May 1, 2023
- Tweak: Fixed a label warning when post type labels aren’t properly set.
- Tweak: Fixed a prefix license manager conflict / issue.
January 14, 2019
- Tweak: Prefixed license related classes, solves conflict with Yoast SEO Premium.
December 17, 2018
- Tweak: Changed double underscore prefix of bootstrap function to single underscore.
April 3, 2018
- Tweak: Added ‘pc_manual_link_post_query_args’ filter.
- Tweak: Registering widgets differently, no longer using create_function. Fixes PHP 7.2+ notice.
September 19, 2016
- Tweak: Fixed a bug where orderby and post_per_page caused an incorrect order.
- Tweak: Made Meta Box title filterable via pc_mb_manage_title.
- Tweak: Made Meta Box Backwards title filterable via pc_mb_manage_backwards_title.
May 9, 2016
- Tweak: Correctly add license page to network websites when plugin is not network activated but activated on per site.
April 29, 2016
- Fixed a multisite license activation error.
March 10, 2016
- Excerpt for automatically appended parents can now be displayed via pc_apdp_display_excerpt filter.
- Image for automatically appended parents can now be displayed via pc_apdp_display_image filter.
January 21, 2016
- Fixed a bug that caused translation not to load properly, props Tibor Paulsch.
- Updated translation files.
January 12, 2016
- Fixed a bug where wp_reset_postdata() did not actually reset post data because admin.
August 21, 2015
- Fixed shortcode and widget get_parent/get_child bug.
August 17, 2015
- Tweak: Added filter to allow display of backwards linking meta box on same post type relation: pc_display_backwards_linking_same_post_type
July 22, 2015
- Tweak: Set default ‘display thumbnail’ option in children widget to false.
- Tweak: Added possibility to display thumbnail image to parent widget.
July 20, 2015
- Tweak: Added possibility of displaying thumbnail in children widget.
June 18, 2015
- Tweak: Fixed a get hook/filter object bug.
April 26, 2015
- Fixed a display excerpt bug in shortcode.
- Added ‘pc_manual_link_post_statuses’ filter to allow modification of post statuses of posts in link existing screen.
April 20, 2015
- Escaped view filter URL when manually linking posts to prevent possible XSS.
April 11, 2015
- Shortcode now uses generate_list method.
- Shortcode now supports images (image=”true”).
- After post filter now uses generate_list method.
- Optimized generate_list method.
- Added filter ‘pc_list_excerpt_length’ to set excerpt length in generate_list method.
April 8, 2015
- Fixed a bug where the incorrect excerpt was displayed in children list.
March 24, 2015
- Set correct pagination when no pagination is set.
- Add license page to network admin when it’s a multisite.
March 1, 2015
- Added pagination to create link table screen.
- Added show parents widget.
- Removed redundant SP_Create_Link_List_Table class in premium package.
- Fixed an excerpt length bug.
- Minified all backend assets.
- License Manager update.
December 29th, 2014
- Fixed a post object bug in backwards linking meta box.
- Changed the way the plugin is initiated to prevent conflicts with lite version.
- Removed related functionality.
- Fixed TinyMCE bug that removed all buttons if user had insufficient permissions, props remyvv.
August 15th, 2014
- Featured images of automatically displayed linked posts can now be shown.
July 13th, 2014
- BIG code architecture changes.
- Improved the generate_children_list method in SP_Post_Link_Manager by no longer using global post functions.
- Fixed a notice in bulk post linking.
June 9th, 2014
- Fixed a link sorting bug.
- Added ru_RU and hu_HU
- Updated .pot file
April 15th, 2014
- Introduced related connections.
- Introduced backwards linking.
- Introduced automatic display of linked posts after post.
- Introduced get_children method in SP_Post_Connector_API.
- Introduced pc_children_list_header_tag filter.
- Deprecated get_childs method in SP_Post_Connector_API, use get_children instead.
- Changed get_childs method to get_children method in SP_Post_Link_Manager.
- Deprecated SP_SubPostsAPI class.
- Deprecated SubPosts class.
- Created and implemented an Autoloader.
- Created SP_Meta_Box_Manage_Parent metabox.
- Fixed plugin links.
- Current queried object is now current page.
- Widget and shortcode children lists now have a regular bold heading instead of a h3/h4.
- Changed TinyMCE vars to Post Connector.
- Changed plugin admin page GET page variable.
- Corrected children typo in labels.
- Changed the sidebar, added 3 new boxes to sidebar.
- Changed the connection overview screen.
- Changed the connection add/edit screen.
- Changed ‘Post Type Link’ label to Connection(s).
- Renamed SP_Post_Type_Link_Manager to SP_Connection_Manager.
- Renamed SP_Post_Type_Link to SP_Connection.
- Renamed JavaScript file name prefix to post-connector.
- Renamed CSS file name to post-connector.css.
- Introduced POSTCONNECTOR_LICENSE constant to globally define the license key.
- We dropped support for SUB_POSTS_LICENSE constant, please use POSTCONNECTOR_LICENSE instead.
- Implemented the new Yoast license framework, license keys entered prior 1.5 will be migrated.
- Moved AJAX hook wp_ajax_sp_delete_link to one single location.
- Changed menu icon.
- Changed shortcode icon.
- Added wrapper around shortcode and widget output.
- Changed old shortcode ‘subposts_show_childs’ to ‘post_connector_show_children’ (old shortcode will still work).
- Renamed translation domain to post-connector.
- Updated de_DE translation.
- Added fa_IR, he_IL, hi_IN, it_IT & ro_RO languages.
February 7th, 2014
- Prefixed the EDD updater class to prevent conflicts with other plugins using the same EDD class.
January 28th, 2014
- Renamed Sub Posts to Post Connector
- Renamed sub-posts.php to post-connector.php
- Renamed SubPosts class to Post_Connector
- Renamed SP_SubPostsAPI class to SP_Post_Connector_API
- Added deprecated file for backwards compatibility
- Changed store URL to
- Only load admin assets on Sub Posts admin pages
- Save post hook check
- Optimise query to increase performance
- Only check if post type link exists if WP_DEBUG is true to increase performance
- Disable changing PTL slug enhancement
- Remove SP_InstallManager
- Implement upgrade manager
- Multiple PTL with same parent and child post type bug
- Fixed shortcode overlay styling in MP6
January 25th, 2014
- Widget will now not display if there are not links
January 24th, 2014
- Fixed a widget bug that prevent ‘Current queried object’ from working
January 11th, 2014
- Sub Posts meta box with meta data is now hidden again
- Added WPML support
- Fixed MP6 icon alignment bug
December 10th, 2013
- Fixed an installation error
December 4th, 2013
- Code format refactor
- Updates Spanish translation
- License key can now be set by constant SUB_POSTS_LICENSE
November 11th, 2013
- Updated German translation
- Fixed a bug with the concept state of posts
September 17th, 2013
- Fixed bug of invaled current post object in backend by storing the current post object in the get_childs method
- Changed return type of API method
- Fixed a no permission error in the link exiting post screen
- Fixed 2 strict error on the manage link page
- Added has_child method to API
- The get_childs method now throws a notice if the PTL slug does not exists
- Added JavaScript hooks, more info at
- Updated Dutch translation
August 20th, 2013
- Fixed PHP strict notices
August 5th, 2013
- Added current queried object to shortcode get_childs
- Added current queried object to widget get_childs
- Replaced h3 with ‘before_title’ and ‘after_title’ in widget show_childs
August 3th, 2013
- Replaced wpdb::escape with esc_sql
July 31th, 2013
- Added wp_reset_postdata to various post link methods
- Updated API PHP documentation
- Added add_link_by_slug to API
July 23th, 2013
- Changed capability requirement for settings pages
- Changed capability check on the (existing) link post screen
- Updated Spanish translation, props Roc
Ão Valdivia
July 18th, 2013
- Added props to changelog
- Fixed bug that hides the manage meta box when linking two of the same post types to each other.
July 2th, 2013
- Fixed strict PHP error, array_pop now has a variable as parameter
- Updated PHP documentation
- Added Spanish Translation, props Roc
Ão Valdivia
- Post Type Link options default value set to ‘Yes’
June 21th, 2013
- Added hook ‘sp_after_link_add’
- Added hook ‘sp_before_link_delete’
- Added hook ‘sp_after_link_delete’
- Added hook ‘sp_after_post_type_link_add’
- Added hook ‘sp_after_post_type_link_edit’
- Added hook ‘sp_before_post_type_link_delete’
- Added hook ‘sp_after_post_type_link_delete’
June 20th, 2013
- Updated German translation
June 7th, 2013
- Initial release
- German Translation, props Remy van Velthuijsen